If not innovation, what is the way for a system of arts to change and grow with the times?
R. Vedavalli: Those who are doing innovations do it only for name and fame, they cannot add anything to this great art.
Take any krithi that you have learnt, sing only that for 30 days. Let me tell you the swaroopam and rasam of your own singing of the same ragam and the same krithi will be very different at the end of the 30 days.
(courtesy: http://www.kutcheribuzz.com/features/interviews/vedavalli.asp)
Please listen to an outstanding one-hour concert by Smt. R. Vedavalli (a Doordarshan production)
I happened to watch an interview of Smt.Vedavalli on DD Podhigai (Kaatrinile varum geetham), where she spoke about her guru Smt.Mukta. She mentioned the same point: one's interpretation of a rAga keeps changing with time.