Ustad Vilayat Khan rendered a Dhun composed in Bhatiyali, a raga supposed to be his own invention. However, please see what Ustad said about it in ‘Komal Gandhar’, an autobiographical narration documented by Shankarlal Bhattacharya:
“Where from did I get the compositions that I play, "Bhede mor gharere chabhi"? Actually this is not Bhatiyali, this is Baul. I changed its name -- To bring in a famous name so that a person keeps thinking that is this Bhatiyali? And I did this because... How many things of Bihar, or Rajasthan, of Lavani have I taken for use in my music and if I take something from Bengal what else can it be called but Bhatiyali? So, put this connection to use. In this vein I did a lot of research and this piece that resulted is Baul. "Bhede mor" is Baul but I called it Bhatiyali with an aim, to make it popular outside Bengal. Heh, heh, heh!
And just think Shankar, how many varieties are there in Mand. There is Sarama ki Mand, Garama ki Mand, Virayat ki Mand and yet Brindavani Mand -- how many Mand-s are there. There are a hundred Pahadi-s. Similarly there are over hundred Lavani-s. In the same way there are pieces in Bhatiyali, Baul... All these things get proximate by the influence of mood and philosophy. So I tell you that I gave the name of Bhatiyali just out of need, but it is nothing but Baul” : ( Courtesy: http://omenad.net: Bhatiyali in my view)
1. Dhun by Ustad Vilayat Khan in Bhatiyali: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvad2eGHGXA
2. Ustad Vilayat Khan’s Bhatiyali with an introduction by Ustad Shujat Khan, his son: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHhUt7MjbRM
3. Ustad Shahid Parvez: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXM9MXLytTA&feature=related
4. Tagore’s famous song Bhenge More Gharer Chabi in Bhatiyali ( Baul as Ustad Vilayat Khan says)
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